Mark 11:25 says: "And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”
A lot of people have a hard time forgiving when the other doesn't say sorry, now I am not saying everyone has to say sorry because they could think they are in the right so its always a difference in opinion when it comes to apologies. When I say this I am not talking about getting into a little fight with your S/O or your friend. I am talking when you have a huge fallout and that person is no longer a part of your life. In high school I sided on the opposite side of an issue and because I took a different stance I lost all my friends. The last few weeks of senior year were hell... I thankfully had three friends that stuck by my side. After graduation I was scared to go anywhere because I didn't want to see those old friends, I didn't want all those feelings I had in high school to come flooding back. Sometimes I still feel uncomfortable. I was so scared because these people I had called friends for years hurt me so bad that I wanted to never see them again, but if you live in a smallish city you're bound to run into those people that you dread seeing. We still hangout in similar places but not together, very very separate. For about a year and a half after graduating I was scared to go places that I used to spend everyday at because I thought I would see them there. But I forgave...and you're probably thinking "how could you forgive them for those bad things and they didn't even say sorry." It was like one day I had a best friend and a huge friend group and the next I had three people. Don't think I'm complaining about this, now that those people are out of my life I realize how much better I am without them. Things like that are the things that haunt you, they sure as heck haunted me for a while. Getting back to the forgiveness part, forgiving is hard even if it's just after a small fight no one wants to forgive right away after they have been hurt. But forgiving that person who did you so wrong can be so freeing. You don't even realize what it can do. I sat in my car one day during a long drive, I turned down the radio, and I said I forgive (whoever) to each person I was hurt by and I felt so free after that. Do not think some big ray of sunshine is going to come through the clouds and angels will sing. But I promise you will feel free.